Birth photography is documenting the story of meeting your baby and how their birth unfolds. It is capturing the highs and lows, the laughter, and tender moments between you and your partner or support person, the raw bravery and strength inside you, the tears and pure joy! it is capturing all the little moments in between the big ones.
Unfortunately all too soon our memories will fade and we will soon forget, it’s just nature. Birth photography is the way you can always go back, a way to keep these moments alive forever and never forget the story of how you met the greatest love of your life 🤍
Hey!!! I'm Katie and I can't wait to capture this once in a lifetime experience for you! There is just nothing else in the world like it. I am a mother to 3 amazingly wonderful kids. Birth is something I have been drawn to since witnessing my first birth at age 15. It was such a miracle, a labor of love and incredibly powerful. From there I knew I had to be a part of this "birth world" somehow. Many years later I became a Photographer and eventually realized these worlds could collide! I am now at a place in life where I am able to provide my services as birth photographer and capture it all for you! I am truly invested in my clients so don't be surprised if I check on you after from time to time because to me be apart of something so special you will always have a place in my heart!
READY TO BOOK OR WANT TO KNOW MORE? Let's schedule a call or in person consultation. From there we can go over any and all questions you may have and see if we are a good fit!
After we book and you secure you spot with a retainer I will be on call for you from 37. It is import you stay in excellent communication with me. If there are any changes, or appointments I want updates. You are not bothering me! Please make sure your support person has my information and I have theirs. Call if you cannot reach me via text or when in active labor. I come when you are in active labor usually around 5/6 cm. Sometimes I may come earlier depending on the circumstances. I stay 1-2 hours postpartum to get these intimate and special moments. You will receive an online personal gallery approximately 4 weeks later with printing rights from which you can download, print and share.